Company Integrity
We consider integrity of paramount importance in how we act, internally as a team, towards our clients, towards other stakeholders, and towards society in general. This corporate responsibility is reflected in our ethics and compliance to meet the standards, written down in international laws and all related regulations. We continuously make sure that we adapt to the latest versions of them. We consider this as the one half of our Company Integrity. The other half of our Company Integrity is the adhering to all specific financial reporting and auditing standards, let us say the technical part. In addition, we do not deliver any services for which we are not qualified or licensed.
In assuring our Company Integrity we continuously follow our Code of Conduct. It is our general guideline in our ethics, in how we work and we feel very committed to it. Our core values regarding this are respect, integrity, confidentiality, quality excellence, client awareness and compliance. These values form the backbone of the services that we provide to our clients. Want to let our values work in your advantage? We look forward to discussing the possibilities with you.